Friday, 1 February 2013

Goa Food- Get the Delicious Food with Goa Magic

The beaches of Goa provide a wide range of activities to the tourists. Goa food or Goan food mainly consists of sea-food and chicken. Goan cuisine is delicious! They add coconut milk and local spices in most of their recipes. 

I know a few friends who go to Goa only for the Goa Food. Goan cuisine is very similar to Malvani cuisine or Konkani cuisine (coastal region in Maharashtra state). The Goa Food is influenced by Hindu origins, 400 years of Portuguese colonialism and modern day techniques. Hindu Brahmins in Goa are usually Vegetarians, who have their native temples in Goa.

Goa Food
Goa Food
Vegetarian Goa Food includes exotic dishes like Dali-thoy, varieties of ghashi, ambaat, sukke, saaru-upkari, kolombo, pathrado, patholi, paayasu and ubbatti. Most of these delicacies are similar to the Konkani vegetarian cuisine.

Non Vegetarian Goa Food includes fish, rice, shellfish and chicken. Their staple food is Rice and Fish. Kingfish (Vison or Visvan) also called Surmai is the most common delicacy. Other fish include pomfret, shark, tuna and mackerel. Among the shellfish are crabs, prawns, tiger prawns, lobster, squid and mussels. The Goa Food of Chrisians is influenced by the Portuguese.